Ein Liebesbrief an die Pizza: Welcher Belag trübt dein Glück?

Which topping always ruins a pizza for you?

A look into the pizzerias or a glance in the fridge shows us that the world of pizza is as diverse as the tastes of its connoisseurs. But which ingredients are it that ruin the perfect pizza for some? In this blog post we want to focus on the most controversial and perhaps also the tastiest toppings that always spoil the pizza experience for us personally.

The classics: pineapple and ham

There are the classic candidates that for many people go beyond the limits of what is tolerable: pineapple on a pizza. The sweet fruit on a base made of flour, water, yeast and salt, which is then covered in tomato sauce and cheese - for some it is simply unbearable. The same goes for ham, which is often considered a "classic" but for others is an unappetizing mixture with the other ingredients.

The exotic: smoked fish and cucumbers

But it goes even further. Some people love to add something exotic to their pizza toppings, such as smoked fish. This combination of seafood and the classic pizza dough is a challenge for many people and something they don't want to taste. The same goes for cucumbers, which are sometimes referred to as a "WTF topping" because for many people they lose the classic pizza flavor.

The unconventional: sweet potatoes and bacon

More recently, unusual toppings have also become popular. Sweet potatoes, known for their sweet notes and creamy texture, can offer a very unconventional experience on a pizza - and that can be too much for many. Likewise, bacon, which asserts its presence on a pizza through its intense flavor, is something that some consider to be crossing the classic pizza boundary.

The cult toppings: Nutella and bananas

And then there are those who deliberately push the boundaries of creativity and add ingredients like Nutella and bananas to their pizzas. These sweet combinations, reminiscent of a classic dessert, may be the ultimate challenge for pizza traditionalists.

Tasty excess: oil and oregano

Not to mention the ingredients, which, although traditional, can be tasty in excess. Some pizzas are so full of olive oil and oregano that they taste almost unbearable. This overdose of flavors can make the pizza experience unbearable for many.


Everyone has their own likes and dislikes, and what makes the perfect pizza for one person may be the exact opposite for another. It's this variety of flavors that makes the world of pizza so rich and interesting. So let's leave the debate about the "right" pizza ingredients behind and instead celebrate diversity and embrace the chance to explore new flavors.

With that in mind: Enjoy your meal and have fun experimenting with your own pizza toppings! Because who knows, you might discover your new favorite pizza combination.


Which toppings should be avoided if you want to enjoy a classic pizza?

For many pizza lovers, unusual toppings such as pineapple, smoked fish or sweet potatoes are not suitable if you want to enjoy the traditional pizza. The classic combination of tomato sauce, mozzarella and maybe a few herbs is often the preferred choice.

Is there a way to combine unusual toppings in a delicious way?

Yes, unusual toppings can be combined to create delicious flavors if you use them cleverly. For example, sweet and salty elements like Nutella and bacon can work well together in a dessert pizza recipe. It's all about balance and the right amount.

How can you make sure the pizza is not too overloaded?

To avoid overloading a pizza, use toppings in moderation and make sure they work well together. Overuse of ingredients like oil or oregano can dominate the flavor, so a balanced amount is important.

Which topping always ruins a pizza for you?


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