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The perfect way to cook hard boiled eggs

Cooking eggs is an interesting chemical reaction that is triggered by heating the water. The proteins in the egg, particularly the albumin and ovalbumin, change and cook once they reach a certain temperature. Here's how to cook hard-boiled eggs perfectly without them becoming too hard or dry.

How long do hard boiled eggs need to cook?

The time it takes to cook hard-boiled eggs depends on several factors, including the size of the eggs, the water temperature, and the desired consistency of the whites and yolks. In general, start with a cooking time of 8 to 12 minutes for an average hard-boiled egg.

Tips for cooking hard boiled eggs

  • Preparation: Soak the eggs in cold water before cooking. This helps to loosen the shell more easily and prevents the egg from bursting.
  • Heat water: Bring the water to a boil over medium heat. Avoid boiling too much as this can damage the egg.
  • How to cook eggs: Carefully place the eggs into the boiling water. A spoon can help prevent damage to the shell.
  • Time measurement: Measure the cooking time precisely. An alarm clock or timer can be useful for this.
  • Cooling: After cooking, place the eggs immediately in cold water to stop the cooking and cool the egg.
  • To shell: Tap the eggs lightly against a solid surface and roll them gently to remove the shell.
  • Taste as you like: Refine the peeled eggs with spices, sauces or gravies according to your taste.

Influence of egg quality on cooking time

The quality and storage of eggs can affect cooking times. Fresh eggs with thick, firm whites cook better. Eggs that have been kept in the refrigerator for longer may require a slightly different cooking time.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

How do I know if the eggs are cooked?
An egg is cooked when the white is firm and the yolk is hard throughout. You can cut an egg in half to check the consistency.
How can I prevent the eggs from cracking?
Avoid overcooking and place the eggs in the water carefully to prevent cracking. Soaking the eggs in cold water before cooking can also help.
How long can I keep boiled eggs?
Cooked eggs can be stored in the refrigerator for up to a week. Make sure they are stored in a closed container.

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